Educational Questions & Answers

Active Server Pages(ASP) - Components Questions

Dear Visitors herewith we are listing some smaple questions asked during Interview Sessions. This Questions is only for your references. Refer the suitable books and prepare the answers for this questions for your satisfaction.

Why do I get 800A0030 errors?

Why do I get 80040460 errors?

How do I pass server-side values to a client-side ActiveX control?

DLL: How do I avoid 'Permission Denied' when re-compiling?

Why do I get 80040514 errors?

Why do I get 8000401A errors?

How do I handle MD5 from ASP?

How do I determine if an object exists? How do I generate RTF documents from ASP?

Why do I get 80072EE5 errors?

Why do I get 800A005B errors?

Why do I get 800C0007 errors?

Why do I get 80040111 errors?

Can I code ISAPI filters / extensions with Visual Basic?

Why do I get 8007007E / 8007007F errors?

How do I store objects in session/application scope?

Should I close my objects and/or set them to nothing?

Where can I get an updated Browscap.ini?

How do I determine if a COM object is installed?

Why do I get 'Server.CreateObject Access Error'?

When does ASP release COM objects?

Why does Browscap give me 'unknown' or tell me IE is Netscape?

How do I detect browsers without components?

Why do I get 8007000E errors?

How do I generate PDF files from ASP?

Why do I get 80040112 / 8007045A errors?

Why do I get 800A9C68 errors?

Why do I get 80072EE2 errors?

Where can I get a shopping cart for my web site?

Should I use CreateObject or Server.CreateObject?

Why do I get 800401F3 / 800A01AD errors?

Active Server Pages(ASP) - Components Questions

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